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Thnxel For Business

Reimbursing your employees is now easier than ever — saving you 80% on EV charging costs and reducing your admin costs to a minimum.

No more disgruntled employees who question the amount, or «Skatteetaten» demanding better documentation.

Automatically Track and Calculate Your Employees Home Charging

Refunding your employees’ Home Charging is now easy — no more cards, codes or admin.

Our system will receive a notification when any EV in your fleet or company is plugged-in and charging, we do all the calculations and admin for you.

Get started now — connect your EV in minutes

How It Works

Thnxel is a ‘car-centric’ platform — that means we don’t rely on data from the chargers alone or manual entry.  

We don’t rely on guesswork or manual logs. We have build a solution for fleet owners that automatically tracks real-time data directly from the manufacturer of your EV then combine it with live data from electricity suppliers, grid owners and Strømstøtte from the government.

When the «strømstøtte» is determined, this is the only way to provide you with an accurate monthly statement for each employees showing what they should be refunded

The eployees gets an overview showing their consumption and what they will be refunded.

ThnxEL for company cars can be integrated with your financial system. This involves minimal administration for the board.

How To Get Started


Register account on GemCoin platform and share your interests with system


Find goods, assets & sellers, automatically matched by GemCoin via AI engine


Buy and sell goods securely, basing on smart contract and blockchain technology


Create an account with your desired EVs


Connect your vehicle — for most models this takes just 2 minutes


Start seeing your tracking in real-time from the moment you plug in

Supported EVs
FInd Your EV
Our platform supports more than 22 OEMs and we’re adding more all the time. Sign up and add your vehicles in minutes.
Supported Models
Email Us
Contact Info

CEO — Rolf Stokke: 926 18 116



Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 16:30